Noospheric Economy: Back To Origins Basic Value Of Labor And Motivation


The main concept of this book is Dynamic-Noospheric-Sinergetic-Producting-Motivational Concept (DNSPMC) developed by authors. They are assured that any economic theory should be a simple and accessible to understanding, and yield the practical results. As well as in the previous book the authors follow the idea that a basis of all economic system are not money, the capital and profit, but the labor, the human capital, the internal and external motivation of employees.
The researches on labor motivation have allowed authors to confirm basic value of the labor in the noospheric economy, to build the original concept and its neural models. Moreover authors have been able to predict last crises with surprising accuracy and to calculate its initial phases up to a month.
To manage the enterprises, the branches and whole economy effectively is possible having the PC, the Internet and access to state statistical databases and also the approach described in the book. It is easy to carry out the analysis, planning and the control at all hierarchical levels of the economy (as the DNSPMC provides from a workplace to interstate comparison).
The labor as econometrically proved in the book forms supply and demand, investment potential and agregated money supply, banks’ AL portfolios and also effective forms of governmental policies.
The “n-dimensional” model of a motivational hole authors consider to be a key result of this research and show that the main problem of the Russian economy (as, however, and economy of the developed countries) consists not in deterioration of a fixed capital, but in deterioration of the human capital and a critical state of internal and external motivation of employees in all branches. Authors introduce the new efficient control criterion based on the gap size between the prices and a wages. The former forecast on the inevitable personnel hunger and its aggravation in the conditions of catastrophic gap of the prices and the wages has completely proved to be true.
During the crisis phenomena analyzing authors specify the law of Oukena-Chekirda so it allowes to find time phases of displacement in labor and GDP indicators in the beginning of crisis and in its phases.
The book is intended for students, post-graduate students, teachers and analysts of economics, economists of various branches, legislators and the public.

Noospheric Economy: Back To Origins Basic Value Of Labor And Motivation
Самарина Г.П., Дорошко С.Е., Чекирда В.А. Ноосферная экономика: назад к истокам. Базисное значение труда и мотивации
– СПб.:ПИФ.com, 2008. – 338 с.